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FR  •  NL
Fernand Vanderplancke
Relié / 128 pages / édition de 1999
langue(s) : anglais
éditeur : Lannoo
ISBN : 9020934678
EAN : 9789020934670
dimensions : 276 (h) x 236 (l) x 18 (ép) mm
poids : 976 grammes
très bon état
12,95 EUR
référence : 1006949
Tous les prix incluent la TVA
One approaches an artist through his work. Vanderplancke's works radiate an intense charge between material and environment and give a sensé of a powerful struggle with basic forms. This voyage of discovery is made even more fascinating by the rather surprising personality behind the sturdy and robust work of Fernand Vanderplancke.

Fernand combines in one man the simplicity and honesty of West Flanders, the readiness to laugh found in Bruges, and the diligent capa-city for work of the inhabitants of the coast.

It is only to be applauded that a multinational company should foster an artist's créative sources. After ail, art and culture are the layer of humus on which a healthy Society is built.

The sea, the beach and the dunes are a source of inspiration that appeal to me very much too. I wish you a fascinating voyage of discovery.
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