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German Weapons of World War II
Relié / 192 pages / édition de 2001
langue(s) : anglais
éditeur : Grange Books Ltd
ISBN : 1840134216
EAN : 9781840134216
dimensions : 290 (h) x 234 (l) x 22 (ép) mm
poids : 1090 grammes
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German Weapons of World War II is a comprehensive examination of the weapons and tactics with which Germany went to war, featuring the major guns, tanks, artillery, ships and planes from Germany's arsenal.

Early German panzers were well constructed and mobile, but not particularly powerful. Yet they managed to spread the terror of Blitzkrieg all over Europe. The German army developed some potent fighting vehicles, foremost amongst which was the Tiger, the most powerful tank in the world, and a dominant force on the battlefield throughout the war.

Awesome German firepower manifested itself in the Gustav, Adolf Hitler's favourite gun, one of a family of monstrous cannon, and the FLAK anti-aircraft gun. The German army's general-purpose machine-guns of World War II remain among the most influential small arms of all time.

The Luftwaffe flew some deadly aircraft, such as the Junkers Ju 87 Sturzkampfflugzeug and the Junkers Ju 88 Schnell Bomber, which became the mainstay of the Luftwaffe's bomber force. Germany also produced some-classic fighters, such as the FW 190, and the Bf 109, which was Germany's most important fighter of the entire war.

The Kriegsmarine's U-boat fleet was the biggest threat to Britain's survival during World War II. Above the waves, it was the German navy's capital ships which drew most of the attention - but it was the cruisers, destroyers, and numerous small escort vessels, attack craft and coastal raiders, which did most of the surface fleet's work.

As the war turned against Germany, its leaders placed their hopes in a series of 'wonder weapons' which would finally win the war for the Reich. In spite of some real scientific achievements, they hoped in vain. [...]
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