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Shooting schools: a second look
« Shoot straight and be safe »
Broché / 218 pages / édition de 1985
langue(s) : anglais
ISBN : 0915941023
EAN : 9780915941025
dimensions : 210 (h) x 135 (l) x 17 (ép) mm
poids : 361 grammes
Cet ouvrage n'est
pas disponible
actuellement sur
- What it really costs to attend -- and HOW TO SAVE!
- The strengths and weaknesses of the top 22 weapons training schools in America
- How to modify your weapon BEFORE you go
- What to expect and what you won't get
- Evaluations by the largest panel of students ever assembled; over 100 courses listed
- Women and Self-Defense -- is a pistol the right choice?
- Objective comments by an author who's been there - and not an operator or instructor
- Special section: travelling on the airlines with a weapon
- The difference in philosophy among Combat Masters

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