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Spalding's Guide to Better Golf
Broché / 96 pages / édition de 1989
langue(s) : anglais
éditeur : Foulsham
ISBN : 0572015453
EAN : 9780572015459
dimensions : 243 (h) x 187 (l) x 9 (ép) mm
poids : 301 grammes
très bon état
4,95 EUR
référence : 1007615
Tous les prix incluent la TVA
The aim of this book is to show you how to improve.

There is a logical progression through the fundamentals and the end product is a golf swing of effortless power — one of no compensation and free-wheeling motion.

In 335 stop-action photographs Peter Croker captures the swings of Greg Norman, David Graham and Mike Clayton as well as his own. The circular motion of the swing concept is diagrammatically illustrated with a clarity that brings it into sharper focus for everyone. The grip, stance, posture and weight distribution are dealt with carefully and thoroughly for every shot. Trouble shots, pitching and specialist shots are detailed — together with valuable information on selecting the correct shot and the pre-shot routine. Sound and helpful advice on bunkers, matchplay and — most important — the mental approach is the strength of this book.
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